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Cycle Mapping: A Tool to Support Your Hormonal Health Through Charting with Denise Rodriguez

So what exactly is cycle mapping? Cycle mapping is a way to chart your cycle on a daily basis to get an insight into how you are progressing through the phases of your cycle. Being able to see when and if you are ovulating (p.s. ovulation is more than just for reproduction), insight into hormones like progesterone, as well as knowing when your period will start the day of! All of this by tracking your basal body temperature and cervical fluid. Denise will walk you step by step on how to start charting your cycle, as well as some cycle reviews so you get comfortable deciphering your own maps.

P.S. This class will be a great complimentary class to next months herbal formulation for your cycle!

Attendees will receive a coupon to shop at Cambridge Naturals!

Denise Rodriguez is a Clinical Herbalist, Cycle Health Coach, and Menstrual Health Educator. She is the owner of Eclipsic Herbs.