Seated Yoga + Community Conversation: Creating Ease Amidst Uncertainty
Many people know intellectually that they are not defined by their occupation, how much money they make, or their assets and possessions. However, it can be a struggle to see beyond what we have long been taught are not only benchmarks of success, but hallmarks of having solid ground under our feet.
The truth is, there is no solid ground under our feet, but shifting ground. The metaphoric tectonic plates that shift the internal foundations we’ve laid in every sphere of our lives cause our internal structures to crumble. Out of the rubble we may try to envision what was there before and reconstruct but we, like the universe, are progressive. Our internal structures cannot be the same as they were before the last test. We have to integrate what came before, including the uncertainty, destruction, loss, and grief, and raise up new foundations within ourselves. This is the work of mindfulness and yogic practice.
If you want to join to practice and to talk more about these shifts and how to navigate and integrate in the face of uncertainty, join us in person on Sunday evening!
All attendees will receive a 15% off coupon to Cambridge Naturals.