At Cambridge Naturals, we dedicate hours - no, days - and an incredible amount of care to reviewing each and every product that comes into the store. We consider everything from the safety and efficacy of ingredients to the integrity of the company we're sourcing from. For months we've been seeking the perfect cold-brewed coffee to bring into our small grocery section to meet the growing desire of customers (and frankly, our staff!) for that delicious, non-acidic, caffeinated drink. So when we met Coexist Coffee at the Natural Product Expo East trade show, we were blown away by the combination of the superior quality of their coffee and their social impact mission.
On their website, the company explains, "Coexist Coffee is a uniting force, bringing farmers and families of different faiths together to work towards common goals and be in charge of their own development and futures. The farmers of the Cooperative spent decades in civil war, where whole tribes were almost wiped out, before realizing that to survive and develop economically they must put aside their differences and work together. Hence they formed Peace Kawomera, which means “Delicious Peace” in the local Luganda language. What’s more, we send back our profits to help fund the schools for the Cooperative’s children, so that the farmer’s children have a greater opportunity to learn and grow."
This delicious and truly world-changing cold-brewed coffee hits our shelves today, and we couldn't be more excited about it. Look for it in the refrigerated case!