Flavor your fill. I am one of those people who really likes the taste of water. Mineral water, fizzy water, water straight from the tap - I love it all. But if you happen to not, try flavoring your water. A couple of leaves of mint, a slice or two of lemon or lime, or even some mineral drops can improve the flavor of your water. Experiment to figure out what motivates you, and don't be afraid to experiment -- my water yesterday had a few leaves of fresh basil a friend had given me from their garden, and it was unexpectedly delicious!
Add electrolytes. In the summer especially, your body loses electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium through sweating. Electrolyte powders are a great way to both replenish lost minerals as well as add some flavor to your water.
Personalize your water bottle. At Cambridge Naturals, we're huge geeks about our water bottles. Everyone's got their own, and you can usually tell who's bottle belongs to who by the array of colorful stickers we like to decorate them with. (My own bottle has pigeons, moths, and cats -- some of my favorite animals.) It might sound kind of silly, but a water bottle can be a statement of personality. Whether your taste runs to self-care mantras, activist statements, cute animals, or elegant flowers, decorating your water bottle can make a huge impact on how much you actually use it.
Make it accessible. I'm one of those people who keeps a water bottle everywhere: there's one by my bed, one at work, one in the kitchen, and one attached to my backpack. Simply by always having a water bottle with me, I'm reminded of the importance of drinking water.
Set reminders. If you struggle to remember to drink enough water, there are some excellent phone apps out there that can remind you. The more advanced ones even let you track your hydration over time and set goals to improve your daily wellness. You can also check in with your friends, family, and co-workers to cheer on each others' hydration goals - Caleb, our co-owner at Cambridge Naturals, is famous for championing us to stay hydrated!
Be aware of secret dehydrators. A lot of things can cause your body to lose water. Diuretic substances like caffeine and alcohol increase urination, and hot weather causes your body to lose water through sweating. And while drinks like seltzer, soda, and juice provide some hydration, they're also more likely to add extra sugar to your diet.
Know your body. People of certain age groups such as children and older adults tend to naturally be more prone to dehydration. Some medical conditions, especially those affecting the bladder, kidneys, and gastrointestinal systems, impact how much water your body is able to absorb. And some medications can also impact how your body processes fluids. Learning about your body's own unique needs will help you maintain your optimum hydration level.
Make it a habit. Did you know that your body loses water while you sleep? The relationship between hydration and sleep is a complicated one, but studies have shown that dehydration can negatively impact the quality and duration of your sleep. To restore water lost during the night, have a glass of water first thing in the morning. If you've got pills or supplements to take, that's a great thing to pair it with.
Lastly, while staying hydrated is important, remember to take care of yourself in other ways, too. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of heat exhaustion. Check up on children, elderly friends / family, and anyone else who lives alone. Make sure your pets have access to plenty of water, too. And if you can't find a place to stay out of the heat, check out this list of community cooling centers across Boston.
Summer can be a fun time -- make sure you're properly hydrated enough to enjoy it!