Take a Deep Dive into CBD with Miles Sarill-Cambridge
According to Miles, "Hemp and CBD are world-changing conversations. Growing hemp holds promise in the areas of environmental remediation, together with its clean agricultural and industrial uses.The symphony of nutrients extracted from food and fiber hemp may be key to unlocking the newly discovered Endocannabinoid System, promoting overall health and wellness."
We couldn't be more excited to welcome back our favorite brainiac for a lively overview on CBD in Cambridge! Come learn about some of the myriad applications of CBD, how to navigate through all of the buzz the oil is generating nowadays, how not all CBD is created equally, and lastly, how CBD might be fitting for your use!
Price of ticket includes a $10 gift card to Cambridge Naturals!!! Sign up here!
Passionate about natural wellness from a young age, Miles Sarill has always been fascinated by herbalism. While finishing up his Master’s in Experimental Medicine from McGill University, Miles worked with us here at Cambridge Naturals! He now serves as one of CV Sciences’ educators, sharing his passion and expertise on the use of cannabinoids in wellness.