natural remedies

Herbs for Transitional and Challenging Times

By Steph Zabel
Herbalist & Ethnobotanist

2017 has been a challenging year for so many of us, on many levels. Just turning on the news can be heart-breaking and traumatic as we witness the loss, upheaval and grief so many of our kindred are experiencing due to human-made tragedies or environmental extremes.

What can we do? How can we respond?

When so many are wounded or are causing wounds, the pain existing in the world can seem overwhelming. If you feel at a loss for how to make a positive difference in the world at this moment in time… First, take heart that this too shall pass… Second, make sure that your body and spirit are nourished and comforted. Once you are well within yourself you will be able to spread this wellness and comfort outward to everyone whose lives you touch.

Some of my favorite ways of nourishing, comforting and healing myself — and my family — are the herbs below. These plants help us come back to our center. Some protect the heart; others nourish the nervous system; others lift the spirits. Read through these descriptions, try a cup of tea (or a tincture) of these plants and listen to the ones that call to you with their healing gifts.

By Rasbak via Wikimedia Commons

By Rasbak via Wikimedia Commons

MILKY OAT TOPS Offering Nourishment & Calm
Milky oats provides deep, deep fortifying nourishment for the nervous system and helps to overcome exhaustion. It eases anxiety, frazzled nerves and emotional instability. When you feel like you’re about to either 1) throw a temper tantrum if the slightest thing goes wrong or 2) collapse into a sobbing heap if you have to deal with one more thing… turn to milky oat. It helps to soothe sensitive people and anyone who is feeling emotionally overwhelmed. It strengthens the physical heart and the emotional heart. Oat is food; oat is medicine; oat is pure nourishing LOVE.

To make: Use dried oat straw: and steep 6 heaping spoonfuls in a quart of hot water for 6-8 hours. Strain and drink for a nourishing tea. Or, get your hands on a bottle of the milky oat tincture (it must say “milky”!) and take 1/2 to 1 full dropper as needed.

oat tops.jpg

HAWTHORN Offering Protection & Openness

Hawthorn berry is a famous cardiac tonic, imparting a strengthening and protective effect on the physical heart. But it also has a very special affinity for the emotional heart. It can be used to bring comfort during times of loss, grief, homesickness and heart-break. Hawthorn soothes a saddened heart and provides gentle support during stress and overwhelm. It is one of the best herbs I know of for a tender or troubled heart, or for any period of emotional tumult. This red-hued berry also helps us to know when when better emotional boundaries are needed. It helps us discern when it is necessary to protect our hearts and when it is safe to open them completely.

To make: Use dried hawthorn berries and add 2-4 Tbsp. of the berries to 2 cups of water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil then simmer at low heat for 15-30 minutes. Strain and drink.

By Ian Cunliffe via Wikimedia Commons

By Ian Cunliffe via Wikimedia Commons

SAGE Offering Clarity & Wisdom

Sage has a rejuvenating effect on the nerves, and has been used by herbalists to address depression, anxiety and nervousness. It is especially good for the frazzled feeling we get when life is too hectic or overwhelming. Sage helps us feel less anxious and more grounded. I believe when used over time it can also help us to feel more at peace with how things are, and to feel more connected with day-to-day reality, i.e. appreciating what is rather than what we want things to be. Many traditions have noted that sage has the ability to enhance one’s inner wisdom. Sage flower essence is especially beautiful and illuminating for enhancing inner knowingness.

To make: Use 1/2 Tblsp. dried herb per cup of hot water; let steep 7-10 minutes. Can also be gently simmered in a small saucepan for a more mellow flavor. Or, use sage flower essence, taking 3 drops 3-4 times per day.

By Line via Wikimedia Commons

By Line via Wikimedia Commons


TULSI Offering Centering & Grounding

For centuries tulsi (a.k.a. holy basil) has been called a sacred herb. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine it is regarded as an “elixir of life” and is said to promote longevity and perfect health. It is also said to gladden the heart and lift the spirits. Tulsi is a lovely relaxing nervine, and a calming, centering herb useful for an anxious mind. It can offer comfort and grounding when it is most needed. It is a very important herb for helping the body adapt to stress and to cope with an over-active nervous system. Even the scent of tulsi is healing: it is uplifting, brightening and soothing to the mind and spirit.

To make: Use 1/2 - 1 Tblsp. of the dried leaf per cup of hot water; let steep at least 7 minutes, if not longer. The essential oil can also be used before bed or meditation, in a diffuser or simply inhaled directly from the bottle.

By Shashidhara Halady via Wikimedia Commons

By Shashidhara Halady via Wikimedia Commons

Steph Zabel, MSc, is an herbalist and botanical educator who helps urban dwellers connect with the plant world. She teaches seasonally-oriented herbal classes that focus on local plants, herbal medicine-making techniques, and plant identification. She is also the creator of Herbstalk, Boston’s community herbal conference. Learn more about her work at: and

This blog series — Herbs and Botanicals— is for general health information only. This Web site is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Users of this Web site should not rely on information provided on this Web site for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician or other healthcare provider.

Clean Swaps

By Mary, Body Care Buyer & The Naturalist Contributor

We’re two months into the new year and those resolutions of cleaning up diets and skincare regimens may begin to waiver. It’s hard to resist the pull of something you’re familiar with and invest in something new. As someone that has successfully cleaned up her makeup and skincare products, I assure you that the initial discomfort and uncertainty of change quickly dissipates. Similarly, you’ll discover new snack options that you’ll become devoted to, that fill you with nutrients instead of high fructose corn syrup. Don’t worry, they’ll still satisfying those cravings!

We’ve put together a collection of clean swaps to help those in need of recommendations for simple replacements from Cambridge Naturals brands that are just as good (if not better) than their conventional counterparts.

MyChelle Sugar Cleanser <-- St. Ives Apricot Scrub

When we talk about exfoliating, we’re talking about gently sloughing off those dead skin cells and clearing clogged pores. This reveals smooth, clean skin that will readily absorb the nutrients from the other skincare products you’re using.  But most commercial exfoliants will actually leave small scratches on your skin, doing more harm than good. The MyChelle Refining Sugar Cleanser gently exfoliates with naturally moisturizing sugar and smells like birthday cake.


Acure Spot Treatment <-- Clean & Clear Persa Gel 10

Despite what you’ve been told, blemishes are a common occurrence well into your 20s (maybe even your 30s!) and it’s not a bad idea to have a secret weapon in your bag for when one of them sneaks up on you. The Acure Spot Treatment Gel contains 2% salicylic acid naturally derived from white willow bark, along with a slew of other plant extracts that support healthy skin without redness or irritation associated with harsh conventional treatments. I’ve seen this work overnight and happily replaced my trusted CVS brand with this one.


GoMacro Bars <-- Clif Bars

Between work, kids, class, errands, and appointments, sometimes it’s just not possible to sit down and enjoy a proper lunch. And that’s okay! We proudly support snacking. But we do want you to get the most out of it. Clif bars tend to be the go to but GoMacro Bars are giving them some serious competition. In addition, they don't contain soy protein isolates, which can act like estrogen in the body. If you’re looking for a bar that will fill and satisfy you, the go macros come in a variety of flavors that are entirely organic, non-gmo, vegan, gluten free, soy free, and kosher.


 Dandy Blend <-- Coffee

Quitting coffee is easily one of the top resolutions, and also one of the hardest. We live in a world with a coffee shop on every corner, where mindless consumption of caffeine is the norm. But if quitting entirely or even lessening the amount you drink is something you desire, Dandy Blend is an incredible alternative. The taste is great and it allows you to enjoy the ritual of coffee making and drinking without any caffeine withdrawal symptoms. If you haven’t given this a try yet I urge you to. They even offer small single serving packets if you want to try before jumping into the full size.


Ultima Replenisher <-- Gatorade

Electrolytes without the simple sugars and flame retardants! These Ultima packets can be a life saver when it’s hot and humid, after a late night, or one two many coffees. The packets offer an easy travel option that can be added to any cup of water rather than a bulky plastic bottle. They keep you hydrated with essential salts and minerals! 


Gaia Quick Defense <-- Airborne

Working in a high contact environment such as retail, we at Cambridge Naturals take our immune support seriously. Gaia’s Quick Defense is loaded with immune boosting herbs including Elderberry, Echinacea, and Ginger. Take this at the onset of symptoms (aka that first sneeze) for powerful support! And unlike its commercial counterparts, this Gaia supplement has no unnecessary additives and is made with organic ingredients.

Not to be nosy, but you may need a Neti Pot!

By Bex, Supplements Buyer & The Naturalist Contributor

What’s that ceramic wonderland hanging out in the Sinus & Eye Support section by the supplements desk? The rainbow pottery assortment is a colorful tribe of neti pots! While they are neither teapots, nor genie lamps, neti pots can pretty much function as both for your nasal passages. If you find yourself complaining about seasonal allergies year round, if you constantly feel like you’re swimming underwater, or if you’ve yet to shake that stuffy, sniffly, cranky, leaky bout of the morning blaaaahs, you might want to try nasal irrigation!


Nasal irrigation is a support system that stems from Ayurveda, the 2,000 to 5,000 year old traditional healing modality of Vedic India that was developed to assist one’s yogic path. This ancient practice involves flushing the nasal passages to support the release of mucous buildup, congestion and other potential ickiness that gets stuck in your nostrils and sinuses. Neti pot flushing assists the airways to promote deep and clear breathing, which is a major boon for yogis and non-yogis alike!


Our nostrils are the primary passage of air in our bodies - so pollutants, debris and other irritants can sneak into our system and get caught there, bringing on an onslaught of, well, snot. Other people that are particularly booger prone prefer flushing to picking because (just in case you didn’t know) fingers are dirty.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, autumn is the Vata time of increased wind and cold. As chill sets in, leaves fall, mold forms and ragweed goes nutso, so it turns out that now is a great time to start flushing and prep your schnoz for the frigid winter months.


It miiiiight feel a little goofy to shove what feels like a piece of dishware up your nose to encourage that feeling you would get when you accidentally snort water through your nose while swimming - but I assure you, after a few practice sessions, you will be diving into the practice!

Your neti pot will come with instructions, but basically, you will be letting water travel from one nostril to the sinuses and back down the other nostril - then you will switch sides and repeat! Remember to always use lukewarm previously boiled, sterilized or diffused water as regular tap water can introduce some pretty funky critters into your nose.



Now that’s totally up to you. We carry gorgeous Baraka and Coryell ceramic neti pots as well as an assortment of (BPA free) plastic neti pots. While they are all super-functional, some might fit into your bathroom aesthetic better than others.

Soon you will be a neti pot devotee! And if after a while your nasal passageways are so clear and moisturized that you decide the practice is no longer necessary, you can always use the ceramic vessel as a landing pad for your latest experiment sprouting seedlings!